Orctober – Badland Rockerz – Bloodbowl Orc team

Azazel runs Orctober this year, a perfect opportunity to finish the team I failed to complete last year because of reasons.

Here they are, 2nd ed. 4 black orcs, 4 blitzers, 2 lineorcs and a thrower.

There is also a 40k grot ammo runt that serves as the Bloodweiser keg inducement.

The troll is a rock troll I sculpted in greenstuff, wanted it to have a proper Badlands vibe.

Skyla´s Unikhornes – Bloodbowl Khorne team

I´ve signed up for our local league this autumn, will be fielding a rookie Khorne team.
Here´s the roster:

My bloodthirster is part rat ogre, part tyranid carnifex and part heroquest gargoyle.
For pit fighters I´ve gone with Goliaths from Necromunda (from both starter sets).
The bloodletter is a converted Tzeentch Horror which I´ve added a horned skeleton head. The next bloodletter is part of the bloodbowl28challenge I´m adressing in the previous post.
More pics will follow when I´ve painted them a bit more, but here are some:

Two games into the season I´ve won one and drew the second one.
It is  a challenging team this one, that it for sure.

Bloodbowl Head couch?

Trying out an idea here, not sure if it works. But most likely this will be my couch model for my badland rockerz team. It’s a wip, based on a two-part silicone mould clay and a bad pun.

Ive also made moulds for my rock troll, in proper rtv silicone. Will try some casting in a few days when they have cured.

Apart from this, rest of stuff focuses on Necromunda. But more on that in later posts.

On the painting desk -Dark Elves and more

So there’s been a while since I’ve actually finished any miniature but recently has been busy, outside of the hobby that is. But I’m putting in time, half an hour here and half an hour there.

New project is Dark Elves for Bloodbowl, most of the minis are 3rd edition. Trying out bulk painting, we’ll see how it goes. It’s not as rewarding as doing them individually but probably time efficient. Here they are so far:


Working title is Malal Temple Dogs, in the earlier warhammer lore they were a valid steed choice for heroes. This one is a animated jade statue brought to the dugout. The team follows the lesser known chaos god Malal whose mark is a black and white skull. I will try to prove the worth of the assassins even though people seen to frown upon them. A local coach has really followed through on that theme, giving a lot of the other players shadowing as well. Cudos, coma, cudos!

Also been doing some greenstuffing and kitbashing. Here is a coach for my chaos or maybe chaos dwarf team. Since the comeback of argue the call I need specific coach models for my teams. Not maybe need but you know.
The model is the MB7 Marauder Giant Head. 
Saw some artwork and it inspired me, may have been from the Realm of Chaos book.

 Also some work on more Bloodbowl goblins for an Orc team. Have many ideas, hopefully some will pan out. Been kitbashing as well, starting a Pro Elf/Elf Union team. Dark eldar torsos, chaos marauder legs, and some really old elven heads from the PBS warhammer fantasy regiment set. Here is the link to the awesome resource that goes by the name Stuff of Legends.

Some other stuff is also in the pipeline but that’s for another post…

BloodBowl Necromantic team -The Green Tide Deadites 

This Necro team (Necromantic Horror now) draws inspiration from basically two sources. The first one is the awesome movie Evil Dead and the other one is this blog. A greenskin themed necro team.

Everything is taken from orcs or goblins, apart from the werewolves. They’re are from the space wolf range in w40k.
Zombies: Parts from night goblin regiment box in plastic multi part. Shoulder pads are from a marauder regiment box.

Ghouls:Gorkamorka boys (GW)

Werevolves: Fenrisian wolves to W40K. Just added pants.

Wights: Inspired of the gmm blog I linked earlier, I made them halfway through their transition from a more esoteric form into a physical one. Parts are also from night goblin box, I’ve stacked two torsos on top of eachother. The craniums are banner heads. 

Flesh Golems: Orc Boar Boys (gw), slightly repositioned the legs.
Headcoach Ash´n´Slash can also go as starplayer Hack Enslash.

Base for Ash Williams is Hasslefre Miniatures model Barney (for Scooby Doo) with added chainsaw (from  Hasslefree Zombie Weapon sprue) and some greenstuffed jacket.

Played a season with them in 2014, but they’ve been idle since then. Maybe the deadites are coming once again in 2017?


More dwarves, this time with bazookas and chainsaws

Painted minis 79-85 this year, seven more dwarves for my team “the Pears”. Four starplayers and three more linemen. Also from the Iron Golem kickstarter and sculpted by Pedro Ramos. It almost took a year to complete (I still have two left but they will definitely have to wait).

Here they are:


I’ve already played one game with them, quite liked it. They might sign up for the upcoming season in the league. I have a great plan for the coach and some fans.


Whenever I bring them to a game I’ll try to remember to take photos of the whole team.

Slann Blitzer

The Bloodbowl team that once was, and yet again might be official. Slann, the old race that even ventured into space are now mostly known for their mage priests in Lizardmen armies. But the Old Ones are truly so much more.

Rumour has it that they might be brought back by gw since they included two other previously unofficial teams in their new edition. They’ve been part of the NAF Bloodbowl scene a while though.

This slann in particular is a blitzer, and more specific my contribution for the 2016 SweBBA Legacy Team. SweBBA stands for Swedish BloodBowl Alliance and is a web forum for mostly swedish coaches (www.swebba.se)

Previous legacy teams can be found here.

So there, let’s see if I win.

The blitzer is made in greenstuff and some of the process have been shown previously on the blog.

Bloodbowl Dwarfs – A sidelined cider and some counters

Came across some 40k squats recently (love those Space dorfs!), many of them with the padded armour type similar to the Dwarf team I’m working on. This one didn’t, instead he’s in a jumpsuit of sorts. 

He’s from the Adventurers range and I thought he’d be a perfect mascot for “the Pears”. The background is that these dwarves are producing cider instead of beer and the team is sponsored by Strongbrow as a PR stunt.


 Also fitting with something to replace the bloodweiser babe, since I’m not a fan of reproducing manschauvistic stereotypes. Really happy that it is merely bloodweiser kegs in the new edition.



Also did some markers, for re-roll counters and such. Used to be a fortification from an earlier whfb edition, I believe it was called Battle of Skull Pass. It was the core rules with some scenery and night goblins and dwarves.

 Nothing fancy but really effective in my opinion.

I’ve also painted 11 snotlings since I decided to sell one of my ogre teams. Need to clear space for the miniatures in my painting que as well as the ones I havent bought yet, right? These ones were used in the team cup last spring and are slaanesh themed.

New snots. The bluerobed one could be a coach model or maybe wizard. In this new edition you might once again argue the call if you get caught fouling. It’s awesome. Since the buyer is a new player on the tabletop scene I thought I’d sort him out with a miniature for the coach as well.

Group shot!

Brings painted minis up to a whooping 77 this year, which is nice. A few more on the way too, more dwarves…

Orcseses, a moosotaur, a talisman troll and lessons learnt from EuroBowl

A couple of more sort of greenskins done for mostly my team Vilda OrchIdéer.
All minis are from Wargames Foundry, from left a lineman, turn counter, a chef, fan factor and finally a possible apo. Either way, a rather impressive sideline figure that one.

Next is the mini I got from participating in the EurOpen at EuroBowl. A moosotaur, sculpted by the massively talented Gimpen/Kalle. (He´s also have done the superpunch troll, some amazing ogres, a beautiful goblin team and I do really hope that he casts up his dwarves.)

He isn´t painted yet, but will probably eventually join my future chaos or chaos pact team.

I had so much fun that weekend, it was the second time that I brought Orcs to a tournament. Finished 52nd out of 90 coaches with 2-2-2 record. But I´m quite satisfied nonetheless, at least two of the games were rather close and I didn´t make too many obvius mistakes. Next time I´ll probably put the two guard on the blitzers and frenzy on the last blitzer instead of block on one of the black orcs. If I go with orcs that is, it might be a while though. I really need to figure out how to beat Dark Elves though, as of today I haven´t been able to do that yet. I might have to try them out myself perhaps but I fear that I won´t be so succesful since I really like the assassins and as I understand that they aren´t that good. But they´re supposed to be bad, right?

Next up is the talisman troll, from 1994. (TL 5) His company from the blister is a ghoul, which will probably join my Undead team as the fourth ghoul. This troll is quite small, but a perfect fan factor or something similar. Could be score counter also.


Tomorrow the new edition of the game will be published, BB 2016. I´m really looking forward to it. The release of DeathZone (the first supplement) has a strong Elven focus. I´m dabbling with some dark elves but haven´t really found the exact colors for them yet.
The planning for the minis and the background is more or less diecided upon though.

Also there´s been some collecting of odds and bits in order to outline a High Elf/Pro Elf (Elven Union now) team. I think they will turn out nice, but they are somewhat more down the assembly line. Before that is the human team from the box I believe.



Orctober pt 3 – Bloodbowl Orc Team – Vilda OrchIdéer 

Maybe my fifth Orc team, but I sold one earlier this year (the Savage orc themed team) to Skuld and parts of these miniatures are also doubling as Ogres.

So it’s ok. Plus, the upcoming tournament will be held in a castle.

The majority of minis are from wargames foundry/warmonger and sculpted by Kevin Adams. The gobbos are proper bloodbowl players from 2nd edition I believe, late eighties. Same sculptor though. The coach is different, and the troll as well as the wizard inducement are done by me.

The name is a pun, combining the swedish word for orc and for idea which make it sound like Orchidea. Hence, the player names are either relating to flowers or political thinkers. But they are also orcs in fancy dresses that I’m bringing to a castle.

Team creation was 1100k, with 6 normal skills for Orcs. I went with 4 Black orcs (block, block, guard, guard), 4 blitzers (sure hands), 1 lineman (wrestle), 3 goblins a troll and three re-rolls.

We’ll see how it goes…



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