A ghost, a librarian, a mouse, a fairy-gnome and our heroine!

So my fiances niece is showing interest in boardgames, both playing but also developing and the mechanics behind the game.

Some time ago we made board and pieces from scratch.

It was some sort of dungeoncrawling where we, the protagonists, had to complete the trail without encountering the ghost or the giant turd. (Yeah she´s six so those types of biological funtions are quite interesting it seems.)

So my fiances niece is showing interest in boardgames, both playing but also developing and the mechanics behind the game.

Some time ago we made board and pieces from scratch.

It was some sort of dungeoncrawling where we, the protagonists, had to complete the trail without encountering the ghost or the giant turd. (Yeah she´s six so those types of biological funtions are quite interesting it seems.)ropw2ut

Thought I could provide some markers, dice, player and monsters in order to inspire her to make new exciting gameboards and games. The narrative is the key I think, that she´ll be able to tell a story through the game.

So here´s the librarian and the ghost, the libarian could be the protagonist in games I suppose but basically my idea was that she´ll be able to provide support for the hero. Like a lifeline or source of information like the Giles character in Buffy. The miniature is from Stonehaven, some sort of elf I think. The ghost is made out of greenstuff, the base is some GW empire militia I believe. The ghost is rather a person dressed up as a ghost. The niece is only 6 so “battle” will rather be the bad guys trying to scare the players and make them not complete their journey.


And here are the rest of the players/markers:



From left to right: A mouse from Mice and Mystics set by Plaid Hat Games, hidden behind is a coackroach also from M&M, next is the heroine a gnome from the Stonehaven kickstarter together with a GW Lizard from their swarm blister, then we have a pixie gnome (yeah that´s right) also from Stonehaven. In the back is a big spider from Mice and Mystics and finally in front the objective marker a treasure chest from Stonehaven.

Hopefully this will result in a lot of scenarios and adventures for the niece.


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