Orctober – Ironjawz, Gorkamorka Nobz and Giant Black Orcs

Stompahs boyz, lead by two MM27 Giant Black Orcs. Bulk of the Ironjawz are Gorkamorka Nobz bodies with Ironjawz heads. Have 15 more that needs rebasing and touching up. Quite look forward to it, they will be a formidable force.



The black orcs themselves.


Since these are the last hours of Orctober normal posting intervall will resume.

There might be some more greenskins around the corner, but there will also be other stuff. In less than four weeks Necromunda will hit the shelves, this is great news indeed. From what I’ve gathered from the game play videos so far, they’ve done a great job.


Orctober – Ka’Qtuzarr the Red Rider

My general, an orc shaman. Used to ride a wyvern, now a two-headed sabretoothed tiger. (Counting as a war boar). It was released as a Marauder miniature, MB08 Orc War wyvern. Now riding on Ogor Frost sabre tiger.

Yep, thats who.

Here he is in Prisma as well.

A couple more posts inbound until end of october, after that there will be a strong focus on Necromunda for quite some time. Hope that´s ok.

Started on what will probably be a Scavvy king yesterday, here’s a little preview on that one.


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