Necromunda Orlocks – Efty Efties

First ones out for 2018, feeling good.
Rumour has it that there will en be proper Orlocks (if that was a thing) out end of next month, the miniatures displayed are looking quite fantabolous.
When that happens this loose network of fortuneseekers and gunslingers are more than likely to disperse.

We´ll see, they might also resurface later. The champion on the left needs a heavy stubber and I need to finish painting the latest recruit to the gang.

Then maybe I can move on to other stuff, maybe bulkheads. Maybe other terrain. Maybe civilians. Maybe a cybernetic dog. Yes, all of those are in my to do pile.
The suspense is immense.

Necromunda resurfaced

Last week some friends finally met up to try the new ruleset. Great fun was had. I brought my team of Orlocks, the Efty Efties. That stands for the Ferra Terra Farers and Traders, a loose network of hired guns and caravan guards that are associated with Orlock. Doing their dirty work. Realised the hard way that they were ill equipped, needs more autoguns and heavy stubbers. Thats added to the list. Lost all three games I played in but a lot of good fun was had. The new rules are nice, like the fact that you alternate activation. Its great. When we´re more acquainted with the stats of the weapons I do believe everything will run even more smoothly.

So what about the goals for 2017?
Blog posts, set out to do 27. Did 16. That´s OK.
Paint 100 minis (did 85 in 2016 and about 50 in 2015). Did 103 actually, so that´s fine.
Play games and write about them here. Yes.

Pledge for 2018 will be the same:
At least 16 posts, finish painting 103 miniatures but dont forget to play games.

Now when that is out the way, let´s focus on the big thing Necromunda is back.
I´m now starting to see Necroumunda everywhere in my everyday life, at the playground for instance. Checking the recycle bin for useful terrain pieces and looting broken kid´s toys. Now is the time to start actually do something with that loot. Or throw away some of it.

Last week some friends finally met up to try the new ruleset. Great fun was had. I brought my team of Orlocks, the Efty Efties. That stands for the Ferra Terra Farers and Traders, a loose network of hired guns and caravan guards that are associated with Orlock. Doing their dirty work. Realised the hard way that they were ill equipped, needs more autoguns and heavy stubbers. Thats added to the list. Lost all three games I played in but a lot of good fun was had. The new rules are nice, like the fact that you alternate activation. Its great. When we´re more acquainted with the stats of the weapons I do believe everything will run even more smoothly.
Here are some pics from that day.


My friend Jox did the scratchbuilt terrain and it is even more nice in person. I provided the terrain from last edition and as a matter of fact those bulkheads havent been painted until now. It was really a rush job, cheap acrylics to start with then wash with different washes. Im thinking of adding some chipping and drybrushin and perhaps some graffiti on them before they are varnished and called done. There are some more terrain in the pipeline, but they will be smaller and made to go with the cardboards. Like shanty town shacks and some shops. The idea is that it will be a part of the hive that is bordering the Ash Wastes as well, a friend has a beautiful desert mat. Im thinking of calling that section of the hive Barters junktion, just to have a name for it. I will also add some vehicles I think. Rumour has it from Open day that there will be rules for civilians later on, love that idea. First I need to finish painting my crew though.


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