BloodBowl Ogre Team – Suffering Turnogres

“Even though they are fairly new on the Blood Bowl scene, the team seems to have a quite realistic view on how they’ll do.
Maybe not the players themselves though, as they’ve all chosen more or less impressive names.”

A rennaisance themed Ogre Team? Yes indeed. A great joy to paint them, they are made by Kevin “Goblinmaster” Adams, the snots also. He worked for GW in the eighties and made the Snotling Pump Wagon for instance. Here´s more info on Kev.

The snots were procured from GW and the Ogres from Wargames Foundry, they´ve made a special site dedicated for these chaps called Warmonger. I really really want to buy these orcling scouts but sadly I havent found any practical use for them. Yet. It is not specifically designed for BloodBowl, I just saw them and realised that I needed them. And since I´m basically only playing BloodBowl at the moment, that´s what they needed to be.
The snots were found in a box in the basement. I have a great pile of Orcs & Goblins stuff from my WHFB days, these chaps used to be the crew of the Snotling Pump Wagon (an older version).

The team has been participating in the open season and the so called Silly Season in our local League. Theyve had a rough start to say the least, in nine games theyve lost no less than three ogres, thats equal to 420 gc. I´ve still won 4 games though, so somehow they´re pulling it off. The plan is to expand them to also double as an orc team, then the first four ogres will be black orcs.

They´ve also been to two tournaments, Närkebowl in Örebro and GothBowl in Gothenburg.

The passed out gobbo on the shroom is a reroll marker, the goblin in the evening gown with the meat cleaver is the apothecary.

Hope you like them, I surely do. If you want to follow them and see how they perform on the pitch, you can visit them here.



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