Orctober: On the desk

Doing a 1000 pts Destruction force for an Age of Sigmar tournament this weekend.

My original plan was to do about 82 miniatures but then the new Generals Handbook came.

New plan will be an orc shaman as general, 40 grots and 3 ogors as battleline. To that i will have 3 trolls, 3 Gore gruntas and a unit of ardboyz. Plus a gobbo big boss. That makes it 61 models instead. Thats fine.

Plan is to present the units properly in individual posts but also put some of them up here already.
This is my cavalry, the general plus Gore gruntas.

Next are the Sourbreath Troggoths, not the sharpest knives in the toolshed. I call them the Stinktank. The’ve been rebased, touched up and varnished since I played with them last time.

Here is also some ogres, Mooch’s Bunch, since they are lead by the Ogre Captain Mooch. The model is Hrothyogg, the C23 ogre Captain, sculpted by Jes Goodwin. Probably my favourite ogre model. The other two are from Reaper Miniatures, part of the Bones3 kickstarter I received earlier this year.

Will do proper army pics this weekend.

Press molded silicone ghost pirate

Youngest nephew loves pirates, so I made special one for his birthday. Good fun was had and he seems to have liked it.

Summertime means usually less painting and more gaming, this year is not an exception. 

I’ve reopened my 40K boxes and even played with the new rules, kind of likes them.

Plan is also to finish the shadow war Armageddon team as well as start a new warband for AoS. 

Picking up 40k again meant opportunity to actually paint up some scenery that’s been unpainted for over 20 years, here’s some wip:

Today a box of goodies from reaper miniatures arrived, since I backed their bones 3 kickstarter two years ago. The to-be-painted pile is growing fast, but that’s ok though.

First minis of 2016! BloodBowl Troll slayers

Yeah, first up are two positionals for my dwarven team in BloodBowl.

The Trollslayers, “Fierce” Bossman and Dan E Gloveless, will be part of Dorf Chesthair City “The Pears”. Dan is so eager to get on the pitch so he isnt even properly dressed.

And here from the side:

The models are from Iron Golems kickstarter that finished last year and they are sculpted by the incredibly gifted Pedro Ramos. “Fierce” is supposedly the Grimm Ironjaw mini but I´m quite fond of him so I made him a permanent part of the team.

Some more reserves, bazooka and chainsaw in the piles.

Earlier WIP photos of the team. As you can see more are on the way.

And here´s the front of the box.

Painted in 2016: 2

Bought in 2016: 0

The painted/bought ratio is so far so good but we´ll see what happens, GW has just announced that they are gonna bring back Necromunda and BloodBowl in some form and if they are releasing anything like that I´m most likely to pick them up.
The early mock-ups and sketches they showed on their 40th anniversary (the Forge World Open Day)last week was very promising I must say. Check them out here!



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